Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) Asian and Oceanian Chapter Annual Meeting 2019

Welcome Message

Masao Nagayama


Masao Nagayama, MD, PhD, FAAN, FACP, FNCS, FJNE

International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) Graduate School of Medicine

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

On behalf of the Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) Asian and Oceanian Chapter and the Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies and Critical Care (JNE), a global partner of the NCS, we are most pleased and honored to host the Second Regional Meeting of the NCS Asian and Oceanian Chapter in Japan. We welcome all of you from every part of the world.

NCS was founded in 2002, and neurocritical Care and critical care neurology hold an established position. In Japan, JNE was founded in 1992, and the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) was founded in 2002, and neurocritical care have drawn considerable attention recent years. In Asia and Oceania, many countries are increasingly joining the NCS following Korea, Japan, Nepal, and Philippines, and specialized academic societies are being created. This rapid development was made possible by the understanding and support by the successive Presidents and Officers of the NCS, and the contribution of the each global partner of the NCS.

This meeting consists of many scientific and clinical lectures and the global round-table talk by renowned and invited faculties, oral presentations, Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) Course and the Banquet/Meet the Experts.

Taking pride in its more than 1,000 years of history as Japan’s ancient capital, Kyoto is also one of the world’s leading historic cities of scenic beauty with many temples and shrines designated as World Cultural Heritage sites. You can also enjoy very modern aspects of Japan in Kyoto and Osaka.

I am confident that this memorable meeting becomes a state-of-the-art and valuable forum to every attendees and wish neurocritical care in the world and this region make further rapid progress and benefit to those patients with emergent and critical neurological conditions.

Looking forward to see you all in Kyoto and Osaka soon.




この度、第2回Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)アジア・オセアニア支部学術集会のお世話をさせて戴くこととなりました。本学術集会は米国NCSおよびNCSと学術提携を結んだglobal partnerである一般社団法人日本神経救急学会が合同で開催する記念碑的学術集会です。

米国NCSは2002年に創設され、その前後から神経救急・集中治療医学・医療は米欧で確立され、すでに米欧の大学病院、主要病院に神経救急・集中治療部、Neuro-ICUが設置されています。またドイツでは、Neuro-ICUでの研修が神経学の卒後研修上、必修と位置付けられています。一方、わが国では1992 年に学際的な日本神経救急学会(JNE)が、2002年に日本蘇生協議会(JRC)が創設され、近年漸くわが国でも神経救急・集中治療医学・医療に大きな関心が向けられていることは皆様ご存知のとおりです。

本学術集会は、約20名の著名な海外招聘演者による講演や座談会、一般演題、発症後最初の1時間における対応を学ぶEmergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS)コース、全員懇親会/Meet the Expertsほかから構成されます。わが国にとってマイルストーンとなるこの学術集会の京都・大阪開催にあたって、国内外学会の先生方のご尽力に深く感謝申し上げたいと思います。参加されるすべての皆様にとって有益な機会となること、とくにアジア・オセアニアにおける神経救急・集中治療医学・医療の急速な向上を祈念しつつ、開催のご挨拶とさせて戴きます。

Welcome Message (continued)

Masao Nagayama


Hitoshi Kobata, MD, PhD, FNCS, FJNE

Chair, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies
Director, Osaka Mishima Emergency Critical Care Center

Welcome to Japan!

On behalf of the Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies and Critical Care (JNE), we are delighted to invite you to the second Asian/Oceanian Chapter Neurocritical Care Meeting in Takatsuki, Osaka June 8-9, 2019.

The first JNE meeting was held in 1992 to discuss challenging cases on neurological emergencies.

Physicians from different fields of subspecialties met together to debate and understand the case.

This year, we are thrilled to hold the 33rd Annual Meeting together with the second Asian/Oceanian Chapter Neurocritical Care Meeting. The main theme of the 33rd JNE meeting is “Education and Practice”. Two Japanese educational courses are prepared: Immediate Stroke Life Support (ISLS) and Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS).

Takatsuki City is located in middle between Kyoto City and Osaka City, just 15 minutes by train from both cities. Kyoto is famous for the historical scenic beauty, traditional Japanese culture and cuisine. Osaka is famous for business and “Japan’s kitchen”. Foodies who financially ruined by overspending on food are called “kuidaore”. You may enjoy visiting both cities.

We hope this meeting contributes Neurocritical Care colleagues in Asia and Oceania to be united and move forward together.



大阪府三島救命救急センター 所長


2019年6月8-9日,皆様を大阪高槻で開催される第2回Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)アジア/オセアニア支部集会にお招きすることを日本神経救急学会を代表して大変嬉しく思います.

日本神経救急学会学術集会は,一筋縄では行かない神経救急症例を持ち寄って検討することに端を発し,1992年に第1回が開催されました.本学術集会ではさまざまな診療科の専門医が一堂に会して熱い議論を交わし,情報を共有してきました.第33回の学術集会を迎える本年,NCS第2回アジア/オセアニア支部集会と共催できることに心を躍らせております.第33回日本神経救急学会学術集会の主題は「教育と実践」です.二つの教育コース:Immediate Stroke Life Support (ISLS) とEmergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS)を日本語で開催いたします.


このたびの学術集会を機にアジア/オセアニアのNeurocritical Careの同胞が協力してともに前進することを願ってやみません.

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